rating B+

standout 1990s Vouvray pioneers

about Catherine and Pièrre Bréton have been making wine in the historic Loire regions of Chinon, Bourgueil, and Vouvray since the 1990s, farming with organic and then biodynamic practices—making them pioneers in a region now reinvigorated by experimentation.

wines tasted

“La Dilettante” Vouvray NV ($28)

"La Dilettante" was created by Catherine and Pièrre for more experimental bottlings, but it has become an integral feature in their small production labels. For this sparkling wine, the base wine is aged for twelve months before going into bottle where it spends another eleven months in contact with the dead yeast cells before release. The fruit comes from 40-year-old vines on clay and limestone soils, with a dosage of 8g/L.

website https://domainebreton.net/


phone +44 2 47 97 30 41

address rue Quincampoix, Vernou-sur-Brenne