rating B+

standout delicious Bugey

about Aurélien Beyeklian has only just established La Cuverie, officially opening the winery in 2020 after planting vines the year before. He's passionate about the region of Bugey (where he has always regularly cycled) and its potential to create exciting, vibrant wines. He's making white and red wines, as well as traditional sparkling rosé. Bugey is an historic region which is regaining attention due to dynamic producers such as Aurélien.

wines tasted

Bugey de Cerdon NV ($22)

Bugey only became an appellation in 2009, with three villages allowed to append their name to the AOC, one of which is Cerdon. The sparkling wines are made with the méthode ancestrale, whereby the second fermentation takes place in the bottle without any added yeast or sugar. This results in a low-alcohol, sweet wine—in this case around 20g/L of sugar and 8% ABV. As with all Bugey Cerdon, Gamay is the dominant grape with a little bit of the Jura/Savoie variety Poulsard.

website https://www.lacuverie-revonnas.com/

email info@monsite.fr

phone +33 6 89 97 05 27

address 160 Rue de la Tour du Deaul, Revonnas